Thursday, February 4, 2010

January Update

Sorry been away so long, no excuse except the usual work, training, and life…

On the training front, CONSISTENCY & PACIENCE…. The words for this month; The training has been consistent with a little speed and power thrown in. My body is adjusting again to the training volume and is feeling stronger everyday. I even decided to start some hot yoga again. It helped me prepare for Kona last year and I will be doing more of it again to prepare for my early season races. The training challenge here (Nashville & Atlanta) is the weather. If you live in the south, I hope you have learned to train indoors this year. The winter weather this year has made me pull out some of my sweaters from Ohio, that is not suppose to happen in the south. At least for training I am one of the few persons who can enjoy indoor bike training. (The falling habit could be the reason.) Really, all my riding is indoors on a trainer this winder but good news is I have a computrainer, spinervals and a coach that gives me specific workout to follow. The computrainer is nice because it gives me power measurement to better track my effort other than HR. Spinervals are nice to use to help with training intervals/technique and coach gives me workouts. So I do not get sick of training on a trainer. It works for me and I feel myself getting stronger on the trainer plus it is easier to work on technique. I point my toe; bad toe…

I have now been swimming consistently for a month; it slowly coming back. Maria thought I bumped my head when  started to swim butterfly; no it is good for strength and I have always loved butterfly plus it works the core! 

My run this week is back to the appropriate zones for this time of year; does anyone ever feel like they will never be where they were at the end of the previous season?  Boy this winter is testing my PATIENCE to stick to the training and trust I will be where I need to be at the right time and TRUST in your coach. 

Today my eating was terrible; partly because I am nervous to eat anything different to avoid anymore issues.  I am out of fresh fruit and veggies at home.  (I know I should never do that.)  So i turned to my trusted cereal for dinner; I just about have that habit broken except nights like tonight when I do not have anything else and all my frozen soups/casseroles are gone.  Baby steps...

Off to bed for a little rest before swim!

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